Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Beginning of the End

This week (yes, I've been remiss in updating the question of the week) discusses when you knew it was over. It takes a while to find companions to enjoy life's adventures--often getting knocked around with a few potholes and lemon relationships. Whether or not you've found your soul mate, more than likely you've seen a few relationships end. (I'm very lucky--I found Hun and we've been geeking out ever since.)

Sometimes it's a swift and sudden battle to the end with a Viking's funeral. Sometimes the death lingers over years. At some point though, both parties acknowledge the relationship isn't working--weather they end it is a different story.

I just graduated college and I was seeing a guy for about six months. We were talking about how our best friends were involved in this intricate dance of torturing each other in their unique version of Romance Hell, and weren't we more evolved beings not to involve our own relationships in such drama.

He then said to me to address our superiority, "I've never loved you, and I don't think I ever will. But I know that. They just keep on lying to each other and pretending they are."

I then realized we were even bigger pretenders than our friends. We were two strangers posing as a couple.

I ended it officially the next day.

What's your story about the beginning of the end?